Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Look no further

Almost as if by syncronicity, this deal showed up at the ongoing US trials for Shanghai.

Auction (Stansby-Rosenberg) was 1C-1S; 1NT (weak) - 3NT. What would you lead from:


Even with a thorough comprehension of canapé leads, it would be hard to not lead a diamond at the table. Teammates might be less than forgiving if a club is wrong.

Nerves of steel would have gotten you the prize as the canapé lead, once again, was the trick winning move.


The diamond lead gives away a trick and the contract immediately. After a club lead, declarer can still make it but may go down by finessing in diamonds at some point. The long suit lead also gives away information which helps declarer with the heart position, info which would be lacking after a club lead. We'll never know if Stanby would've had made it (given the chance) as the actual West led a diamond.

And another deal went to the evidence room.

Thanks to 'free' for reporting the deal; I haven't gotten around to the USBF deals just yet.


Anonymous said...

Well Ulf, I will apply this principle when next on lead. I'll let you know.
Keep up with the good work!

Anonymous said...

Does this support the canapé-lead theory or is it a random result?

Interchange to minor suit three's. The auction would be the same(?), but a diamond lead, from K987, would let the contract make.


ulven said...

Was it a random result? Maybe.

But you can look at it this way: Partner was more likely to hold length in clubs than diamonds and therefore, on average, a better holding. This time he happened to have three diamonds as well but xxx vs HHx.

I'm more inclined to believe that finding partner with HHx in D would have really lucky. This time length was equal but clubs still won (so to speak). Another way the short suit lead came up on top.

Let's all look for these and gather material. Feell free to add feedback here.